Singing A Unified Communications Song

If you believe as I do that Web 2.0 is going to be disruptive, then you need to prepare and watch as new technologies come to market that produce even more powerful capabilities and tools that take advantage of the Web.



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We here at Everything Channel (formerly CMP Channel) are continuing to invest in what we believe will be the next generation of tools and services for solution providers and vendors to access and execute in the market. We believe we have essentially moved out of the innovation stage of high-tech and into the customization stage. As a result, we are all going to need to facilitate more collaboration in the future.

Years ago, people used to hold information as power inside organizations. Today, that is a recipe for certain death. The only way to use information as power in the current business environment is to distribute it quickly and securely to large portions of the organization so they can act on it. Neither of these is an easy task. Because it is so difficult we're using far too many communication vehicles. Whether it's the cell phone, standard phone, e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, twitter, a wiki or the untold other vehicles available, there are just too many options—none of which talk to each other.

What is it you use to communicate these days? Are you using any so-called community sites or tools either inside your organization or externally? Have you moved away from e-mail and past instant messaging? Is there a wiki in your life?

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Perhaps you just want to be left alone and are tired of being expected to work 15 communication tools. In the end, I'm singing a song for a unified communications strategy. Perhaps that's what we all really need—one way to communicate with everyone without a hassle.

Information overload presents an opportunity—what's your solution?

Make something happen. E-mail Everything Channel CEO Robert Faletra at [email protected].