Microsoft Adds Digital Locker To Windows Marketplace

Microsoft has refurbished its Windows Marketplace with what it calls a secure way to expedite software downloads.

The online store features new Digital Locker technology that aims to ease security and download concerns.

Downloading graphics-rich applications and games can be a problem if connectivity fails part way into the process. Digital Locker can pick up the download where it dropped, said Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, user experience manager for Windows Marketplace.

To ease big downloads and the creation of backup disks, the company devised a client-side Digital Locker Assistant. Digital Locker will also verify that the bits--of certified applications-- coming across are what the user has requested. Microsoft will take a cut of each paid download going via this mechanism.

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Digital Locker will also save the user's license keys and other information from all purchases in a secure Web-based repository so the user can retrieve when upgrading machines, said Dee Dee Walsh, director of Windows Marketplace.

The online store first surfaced in Windows in October 2004. The company is quick to maintain the software sales go through channel partners and that this widely available online presence can give even very small ISVs visibility they might not be able to get in brick-and-mortar retail locations.

Participating delivery partners include Digital River, Shutterfly, IGN Entertainment, Handango, eSellerate and others.
