IBM Touts Industry's 'Largest Business In Data Analytics'

IBM asserts that, by the numbers, it has the biggest business in the data analytics market – and it is a business that continues to grow.

IBM Analytics Senior Vice President Bob Picciano told an audience of chief data officers at MIT that IBM Analytics is growing ’about four or five times the market.’

’It’s the largest business in data analytics in the industry today,’ Picciano said, adding that it is a crucial ’strategic imperative area’ in which IBM continues to invest.

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IBM Analytics recently launched a number of high-profile partnerships, including initiatives with Twitter, The Weather Company and Box.

He talked to chief data officers about the importance of their role in transforming companies.

’Your role is really to help companies be more disruptive, be more transformative,’ he said.

’What you’re responsible for is really a transformation agenda,’ he added.
