GreenPages Bets Big On New Virtualization Technology

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Solution provider GreenPages told CRN it hopes to become a leader in the second wave of virtualization, focusing on hybrid cloud and software-defined data centers while partnering with VMware.

GreenPages CEO Ron Dupler said his company was ’very fortunate’ to have some ’smart people’ within the organization that drove investment in virtualization during the first wave of technologies in 2007 and 2008.

Dupler said he saw a marked ’lull’ after initial excitement around virtualization, but that new technologies have re-ignited the space.

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’The second wave, we would say, is a little more esoteric. There’s a lot of benefits around the second wave, and when we speak about the second wave, that really involves network virtualization, storage virtualization, ultimately leading to software-defined data center, and full hybrid cloud management and governance models,’ Dupler said.

GreenPages will continue to invest in virtualization and build its corporate strategy around VMware and predicts customers will ’move forward and create a governance and management model for hybrid cloud.’ ’VMware has got a great story to tell there,’ he said.

’We believe we’re going to be operating in a hybrid cloud world,’ Dupler said. ’And we also believe we’re moving to a software-defined world.’

