AI Special Issue 2024

Welcome to the AI era. In this special issue of CRN dedicated to AI, we are exploring some of the numerous opportunities this amazing technology is opening for the IT channel.

As AI, and particularly generative AI, begins to filter into more and more aspects of how companies run and business gets done, solution providers find themselves at the cusp of an IT revolution that they are in a unique position to shape.

Those that invest now in these early stages stand to reap the rewards as AI becomes an integral part of everything from IT security to the edge to the data center.

Click below for stories on the risks of "data poisoning”, the massive sales opportunities in the AI PC and AI chip markets, the role of the cloud in AI adoption, what some of the industry’s top CEOs think about the impact of AI and some of our latest research on the channel’s involvement in this space.

The AI Danger Zone: ‘Data Poisoning’ Targets LLMs
When it comes to GenAI, the security of the AI models themselves is at risk as ‘data poisoning’ is increasingly taking aim at the training data that large language models rely on to generate responses and make decisions.