The Daily App: Inventory Droid For Android

One key way for a small or mid-sized business to find value in technology is to discover ways it can reduce cost and complexity.

With Inventory Droid, SMBs can find a quick-and-dirty inventory solution that combines a simple database with nifty features like barcode scanning in an easy-to-deploy app.

We gave Inventory Droid a whirl on a Motorola Droid X, and within few minutes of downloading the $4.99 app we had created a new inventory database with product descriptions and acquisition details, taking product photos for that database, and even entering barcode data to help track physical inventory.

It’s a fast, inexpensive and easy to use inventory app.

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While there will be other more enterprise-tested apps and solutions for inventory, and apps that are more robust, Inventory Droid will allow its database to be exported from an Android device to a more central database by exporting the information as a CSV file. For some with limited inventory needs that would be fine. To get up and running quickly with basic functionality, that’s fine, too. (More sophisticated inventory needs, though, would probably require a more sophisticated and network- or cloud-ready solution.)

But for $4.99 and the expense of a few minutes of set-up time, Inventory Droid works well and can meet basic needs of a small business or work group.
