The Daily App: Air Browser for BlackBerry PlayBook
Unlike Windows or Mac OS X platforms, mobile platforms appear to have been designed with file management as an afterthought. And because each platform has been built differently from the ground up, there is no industry-standard approach to file management.
There are several apps for file management available on the BlackBerry App World store for the BlackBerry PlayBook; Air Browser for BlackBerry PlayBook provides a straightforward but effective means to dig into the device’s files, copy and paste files, and rename files as well.
Another function of Air Browser allows for creating notes directly into a specific file – as opposed to settling for the default location assigned by the device. Graphically, Air Browser presents folders with a quasi-Windows look – making file location feel intuitive, even if mobile device platforms aren’t built that way.
Hopefully, mobile device makers will begin in the near term to streamline file management on the various platforms. Until then, on platforms like BlackBerry PlayBook, apps like Air Browser will continue to do an adequate job of filling the void.