The Daily App: Ultimate Checklist for Android

Sometimes, you just have to organize yourself by lists.

You create lists for work, for tasks, for meetings, for your personal life and you move through the day one checked box to another.

If that sounds familiar, you may like Ultimate Checklist for Android, a $2.99 download from the Android Market by developer Jimbl. With task lists and other productivity apps moving in directions of greater and greater sophistication, Ultimate Checklist for Android is almost a bare-bones approach to lists.

Once downloaded and installed, all one needs to do is open the app, tap the menu bar, and create a new category. From within that category, you tap the menu again to add an item. It’s that simple.

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Inside your lists, you can rearrange order, check completed tasks to draw a line through them – or hide or delete completed tasks.

This is not a graphical app, or visual – it’s for text-based lists. It’s not the most fun approach to getting stuff done, but it’s straightforward and for many it will just fill a need.

It’s unclear why Jimbl believes it can charge $2.99 for this app when others can provide the same function for free. However, it can brag that its app has a very short learning curve and, for the price, will save you money on sticky notes or other paper lists down the road.
