Seven10 Offers Missing Piece For EMC Centera Replication
Headquarters: Lawrence, Mass.
Technology Sector: Storage
Key Product: StorFirst Altus
Year Founded: 2001
Number of Channel Partners: 30 worldwide
Ideal Channel Partner: Enterprise-focused solution provider
Why You Should Care: Any solution provider working with EMC's Centera storage appliance needs to be aware of Seven10's StorFirst Altus, which is the only software that allows data on the Centera to be replicated to tape or a virtual tape library.
The Lowdown: For solution providers, Seven10 Storage Software is a one-trick pony. But, oh, what a trick.
The company's StorFirst Altus is the only technology that can replicate data stored on EMC's Centera storage appliance to tape or to a virtual tape library for disaster recovery purposes.
The Centera, which is heavily employed by corporations looking to store data in compliance with government regulatory and corporate governance requirements, is based on proprietary EMC technology, said Jim Moulton, CEO of Seven10.

Prior to StorFirst Altus, the only way to replicate data on a Centera was to another Centera, which is expensive, Moulton said.
For that reason, EMC approached Seven10, which specializes in the development of software that allows bit-by-bit copies of data between unlike devices, to build such an application for its Centera.
Seven10 in October joined the EMC Select partner program, which allows any EMC partner to sell StorFirst Altus. It is in use by customers such as the U.S. Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of the Treasury, Moulton said.
The company was founded the week of the September 11 terrorist attack, and grew up during the Wall Street scandals of companies like Enron, which led to an increase in regulatory pressures.
"We went out looking for funding after 9-11, and it was hard," Moulton said. "But we had customers. Our first product releases were pre-paid by our customers. They paid us up front, and we developed it for them."