Microsoft Puts The Rosy Colored Glasses On Vista

Microsoft Australia is running an online contest called 'Fact Or Fiction' that guides contestants through a series of 10 Vista related quiz questions, many of which directly contradict the well-hardened views of solution providers.

For example, one question asks contestants whether the statement "Windows Vista faces significant compatibility issues with hardware devices" is true or false, with false being the 'correct' response.

If the contestant chooses 'true' -- which would likely be the case for many solution providers who've long been grappling with these issues -- Microsoft sets them straight with the following data point: "In fact, Windows Vista now supports over 2.2 million devices -- meaning the vast majority of your customers shouldn't face any compatibility issues," Microsoft claims.

Another question seeks to dispel the notion that businesses haven't been enthusiastically embracing Vista, something that even the most sanguine Microsoft VARs would admit is true. But the 'correct' answer to the statement "Windows Vista hasn't been popular with businesses" is 'false,' according to Microsoft.

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After the contestant answers the 10 questions, the quiz presents videos of potential Vista customers and asks contestants to choose the most appropriate of the four versions of Vista for their needs.

Contestants who successfully navigate their way through the quiz are eligible win a $15,000 home entertainment package that includes a 52 inch Samsung HDTV and a Toshiba Qosmio notebook PC.

Posters on the forums for Whirlpool, an Australian broadband provider, offered some poignant commentary on the unrealistic nature of the contest questions.

"I am Vista advocate, [and] the quiz made me question my loyalty, not reaffirm it," wrote one poster. "Just like it was at launch, Vista's biggest problem is its PR, not its tech capability," wrote another poster.
