Netflix Customers Sing The Blues Over Blu-Ray Price Hike

Under the plan, renting one DVD at a time (up to two DVDs a month) will cost $4.99 a month, with an additional $1.00 monthly charge for Blu-ray access, Netflix said. The monthly plan to take out two DVDs at a time (unlimited) is $13.99, with an additional $3.00 monthly charge for Blu-ray access.

The cost of Blu-ray titles rises incrementally depending on how many DVDs are rented under monthly plans.

Renting eight DVDs out at a time (unlimited) costs $47.99 a month, plus an additional $9.00 monthly charge for Blu-ray access.

On Netflix's blog, Jessie Becker, vice president of marketing, told Blu-ray renters that if they don't want to pay the new charges for monthly access to Blu-ray, they can remove the option on their accounts before April 27.

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The Los Gatos, Calif.-based company said it had to pass on the high cost of Blu-rays to its customers -- as much as 30 percent more expensive than regular DVDs, according to Becker.

It remains to be seen if Netflix customers think home delivery will justify the extra costs. On the company's community blog, some people said they understood that costs are on the rise everywhere, others complained that delivery takes too long and some said they will now go elsewhere to get their Blu-ray fix.

"I got laid off so every dollar is critical," wrote one customer. "Sorry Netflix, we are all riding out the economy bugs together, you are not exempt. Blockbuster does not charge any additional for Blu-ray (yet). If they do, I'll be back."

"Paying an extra dollar a month and I still get 'long wait' when DVD is available 'now.' How about a little love for Blu-ray?" said another customer.

Summing up the situation, one blogger said, "The reality is that they're going to charge whatever the market will bear (i.e., as much as their members will find reasonable)."
