Microsoft Previews SQL Server SP 1

Oh goodie.

Database groupies can now poke at a preview (a community technology preview, thank you very much) of SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1.

Now there's a mouthful.

To further complicate an already complex beta cycle, Microsoft is bringing the CTP process, inaugurated two years ago with Visual Studio 2005, to the service pack realm.

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The goal is to make the customer collaboration model "more transparent," according to a Microsoft spokeswoman.

The real SP 1, if there is a real drop of anything anymore, is slated for April. That release will include the database mirroring that was to ship with SQL Server last fall, but needed more testing. For more on SQL's planned database mirroring see CRN.

Also in SP1 will be the SQL Server Management Studio Express, similarly held back for more testing.

To see what Bill Gates had to say on SQL Server futures and Katmai, see this this CRN item.

Oh yeah, if you wanna poke around the new CTP for yourself, go to this Microsoft site.

So here's a question: Will CTPs of SPs make development faster, easier, better? Or is it just re-arranging deck chairs? Send your thoughts to:
