Combat Employee Turnover, Meet New Customer Demands And Boost Efficiency With Samsung

We’re three years out from the pandemic but its effects are still present, most prominently felt in the way we buy and consume products and services. Consumers still demand the same fast and personalized experience from brick-and-mortar locations that they receive online, requiring increased digital tools from businesses to meet demand.


We're three years out from the pandemic but its effects are still present, most prominently felt in the way we buy and consume products and services. Consumers still demand the same fast and personalized experience from brick-and-mortar locations that they receive online, requiring increased digital tools from businesses to meet demand.

So, is it possible to tap into new revenue streams by addressing these demands? Could you address companies' pain points in handling the increased demand? Is there one solution that could democratize data, putting it in the hands of customer-facing employees looking to meet consumers' demands?

Samsung's Connected Associate is the handheld, digital solution your portfolio needs to help customers meet the demands of consumers. The Connected Associate puts knowledge at the fingertips of all employees, retiring single-purpose devices and empowering the workforce. In turn, better equipped workforces lead to employee acquisition/retention benefits for the employer-all while only needing one, single solution.

Join The Channel Company and Samsung to learn how Samsung's Connected Associate is providing frontline employees with a single device that arms them with the knowledge and digital tools they require while reducing customer friction and improving the customer experience.

Register now.
