Reimagining the Cloud with Industry Analyst Maribel Lopez
2021 brought about a rapid growth in cloud-based computing and market analysts predict there‘s no slowing down in sight. In fact, according to IDC, worldwide spending on cloud-based solutions will grow at an annual rate of 16.9 percent and reach totals of 1.3 trillion dollars by 2025!
2021 brought about rapid growth in cloud-based computing and market analysts predict there's no slowing down in sight. In fact, according to IDC, worldwide spending on cloud-based solutions will grow at an annual rate of 16.9 percent and reach totals of 1.3 trillion dollars by 2025!
With the cloud evolving so fast, how will you know where to begin and how to stay current? Are multi-cloud networks the best option? If so, what are the tradeoffs relative to costs, risks and agility if plans change?
Intel can help you navigate these options to help your customers make decisions with confidence. Look to Intel's cloud solution architects as your trusted advisor to your organization that can help identify opportunities and how best to approach and utilize cloud-based solutions.
Join The Channel Company and Intel in an on-demand webinar to learn about the history behind the recent growth in cloud-based computing and how Intel can help your customers navigate this new, evolving trend to find the exact solutions that fit both their needs and budget.
Register now.