Novell, Microsoft and Heartburn
reports that its license to distribute Linux could be on the ropes.
Bruce Lowry of Novell writes that, despite dissatisfaction of some in the Linux community toward the Novell-Microsoft cooperation, a move by the Free Software Foundation to yank its license isn't in the cards:
Novell's Chief Marketing Officer John Dragoon also has written about the GPL-yanking reports, describing them as an overreaction to someone else's comments that weren't really on point.
This hullabaloo, and other complaints about the Microsoft-Novell deal are causing some heartburn in the marketplace. Alex Inman, who has created a consulting organization that is dedicated to integrating all sorts of technology into classrooms for advancing education, explains that the back-and-forth over the Novell-Microsoft arrangement is counter to what he's trying to accomplish. "My concern is for neither Novell nor Microsoft," he writes. "My concern is for my teachers, staff, students and parents. My job is to support their pursuits; make it easier, faster and more attainable. . .
The controversy is also addressed over at the Linux Myth Dispeller.