Debunking A Skewed Perspective On Individualism

From AI startups to solution providers and the vendors in between, the IT channel ecosystem thrives on entrepreneurship. Yet we also are powerful because of the intrinsic interconnectedness that helps us thrive. By challenging ideas of individualism, we are uniquely positioned to build a more inclusive community.

Individualism Defined

We have all heard the saying “pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” But would it surprise you to know the phrase was meant as a joke? The 19th century expression was used to refer to tasks that were deemed impossible. Yet, the phrase still fits into the psyche of most Western cultures – connecting our ability to thrive with a focus on personal freedom, entrepreneurship, and self-identification over collective community. The idea that we all can functionally pull ourselves out of economic and social challenges fuels the idea of individual achievements while minimizing the impact of collective or community identification.

It is individualism — the cultural emphasis on personal independence, self-reliance, and individual rights — that hinders organizations from being inclusive. Individualism promotes the idea that each person should prioritize their own needs, goals, and freedom over the collective or group. In individualistic societies, we are encouraged to pursue personal success, making decisions based on personal preference while disregarding the wellness of a group.

Refocusing Our Intent

In DEI spaces we focus on race, gender, age, orientation, physical ability, neurodiversity to name a few. But in other spaces, affiliation bumps against ideas of individualism, successfully challenging the idea that we are solo beings whose success is gained solely on solitary merit.

The reality is, we all function within group identities. Ask anyone who has started a business from scratch, there is someone in your network who encourages you, who gave or told you where to find seed money. There may be a group of fellow business owners who you share business and detailed information with. The channel ecosystem is ripe with clusters of people eager to assist in making someone else’s business great. Not for individual gain, but because rising tides lift all ships.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion isn’t just about race, gender, age, sexual orientation, differing abilities. It is about understanding how we all are interconnected, and no one should operate solo. Inclusive leadership means creating and maintaining an environment built on the truth that we exist in the context that has come before us and in the legacy that will remain after us. Because while some believe they have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, what about those of us who do not have any boots?

The real question is: How will you foster an inclusive environment where our community will continue to thrive?

Photo by Minh Tran on Unsplash