WOTC: Women, Leadership and ‘Gravitas’

The Women of the Channel Leadership Summit East is the exclamation point for many in the channel. This year, there were many empowering sessions, including Lisa Sun’s keynote. Rooted in the powerful insights from her book, ‘Gravitas,’ her message was clear: ‘Your life story is your leadership story.’

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The Foundation of Gravitas: Embracing Dignity

Lisa Sun wrote the book on “Gravitas.” Her company and book are its namesake, and the Women of the Channel had the distinct privilege of hearing her impactful lessons firsthand. She began with the compelling story of Judge Amy Carter from Los Angeles, whose journey underscored the transformative power of self-confidence. Sun explained that confidence is not an innate trait but rather a choice and mindset that precedes behavior. This notion aligns with the struggles many women face, particularly around the ages of 8 to 12, when self-consciousness begins to breed self-doubt. These formative years often mark the beginning of diminished courage and a hesitancy to take risks.

Think back to when you were 10, 11 or 12. What were you experiencing? How did you change? For many of us, this was a time when we started to form core memories that have proven to shape our lives, some of those memories also shape our insecurities and lack of confidence.

Six Areas of Self-Doubt

In her keynote, Sun identified six forces of insecurity and fear that contribute to this pervasive self-doubt. I think of my own story. I never imagined I would be a writer – or professionally connected to technology. As a kid, I never considered the strengths of collaboration or power in my written words. I remember doubting my capabilities despite a stellar track record for leadership and childhood awards for speaking. In her keynote, Sun encouraged us all to name our insecurity and acknowledge the strengths we have – doing so allows us to transform self-doubt into self-confidence.

Here are the six areas that cause self-doubt:

Deficit Mindset: Focusing on perceived weaknesses or what is lacking.

Shrinking Effect: Underestimating one’s own abilities and diminishing oneself.

Satisfaction Conundrum: Chasing external markers of success, such as achievements, money, or material possessions, without ever feeling fulfilled.

Superhero Facade: Upholding the illusion that all aspects of life are perfectly managed, thereby isolating oneself from support.

Setback Spiral: Allowing criticism or setbacks to trigger negative thoughts and emotions.

Systemic Bias: Navigating structural constructs that perpetuate unequal power dynamics.

Together, these forces create a "circle of self-doubt" that can feel insurmountable. However, Sun’s message was not one of despair but of empowerment: “We take away the power of insecurity when we name it,” she said. By identifying and confronting these fears, women (and every inclusive leader) can begin the journey toward better confidence.

Confidence: A Choice and a Ladder

Central to Sun’s keynote was the idea that confidence is a choice and a mindset long before it manifests as behavior. She introduced the "Ladder of Mastery," which outlines the progression from initial awareness to mastery:

Unconscious Incompetence: The "aha" moment of realizing what one doesn’t know.

Conscious Incompetence: The "ouch" phase of learning and change.

Conscious Competence: Developing skills with deliberate effort.

Unconscious Competence: Achieving mastery, where skills become second nature.

Sun challenged us in the audience to ask ourselves why we want to be on this ladder. She reminded us that “you cannot give what you do not know you have.” For women of the channel, this means taking inventory of their unique strengths and leveraging them to build confidence and capability.

Practical Takeaways for Women in Leadership

Lisa Sun’s keynote was more than inspirational; it was a call to action. Here are some practical steps women leaders can take to apply her insights:

Identify Your Superpower: Reflect on your unique strengths and use them as a foundation for confidence. Recognize that these gifts are integral to your leadership style.

Confront Self-Doubt: Name your insecurities and fears to strip them of their power. Acknowledge the universal presence of an inner critic and counter it with self-compassion.

Climb the Ladder of Mastery: Embrace the discomfort of learning and growth. Set clear goals for moving from awareness to mastery in your chosen areas of leadership.

Pivot with Purpose: View challenges as opportunities to realign and grow stronger. Develop a mindset that sees adversity as a steppingstone rather than a stumbling block.

Leverage Your Confidence Language: Explore the eight routes to confidence and identify which ones resonate most with your personality and leadership style. Use this understanding to build authentic connections and influence.

Cultivate Self-Awareness: Regularly assess your progress, reflect on your achievements, and celebrate your milestones. This practice reinforces a growth mindset and fosters resilience.

A Masterclass in Authenticity

Lisa Sun’s keynote was a masterclass in confidence, authenticity, and leadership. Her insights challenge women to reframe their narratives, embrace their unique gifts, and lead with dignity. As she aptly stated, “Your life story is your leadership story.” By owning our stories and cultivating confidence, we can break free from the circle of self-doubt and step boldly into the game of life.

For women in leadership, Sun’s message is a powerful reminder that confidence is not only attainable but essential. It is a mindset, a choice, and ultimately, a gift we give to ourselves and those we lead. Let’s take her advice to heart and continue building a future wherein women’s voices and leadership shine brightly.