What Is PeopleSoft's Founder Up To? Web Site Suggests A Return To ERP
The Web site says the company will focus on the traditional enterprise-resource-planning markets in a nontraditional way. Move over Oracle and SAP--the company is building "the next generation of enterprise applications to address a fundamental paradigm shift in how enterprise applications serve the extended enterprise," the Web site reads. And it promises a "revolutionary approach to technology that includes open source, object-oriented techniques, XML, and Web services" to develop applications that are easy to use and less expensive to deploy and manage.
The site lists the other executives involved as Aneel Bhusri, co-founder and chief vision officer who's currently a partner at the venture capital firm Greylock Partners; Stan Swete, VP of products and technology; John Malatesta, chief architect; and Karen Beaman, chief human capital management strategist. And it's advertising for six developer or designer positions at a Walnut Creek, Calif., office.
Duffield resigned from PeopleSoft after Oracle acquired it for $10.3 billion in December after an 18-month struggle.