Forrester: Start One Of These Two Big Data Businesses

Big data has gotten a lot of attention from the media and investors, but the segment is broad and complicated. If someone is interested in starting a big data business, where should they focus their efforts? Forrester Research principal analyst Mike Gualtieri offered CRNtv two tips on what’s growing in the big data market today.

Gualtieri echoed a report published by Forrester in February urging professionals to curb the hiring of data scientists in favor of massive machine-learning automation.

’Predictive models are very important,’ Gualtieri said.

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But building predictive models is a difficult task, Gualtieri said, and one that takes huge amounts of time and effort from data scientists. Through massive machine-learning automation and modern big data platforms, big data analysis is faster and less expensive than ever before.

Through the ability to predict customers’ wants and behaviors, businesses can make smarter decisions and pivot more rapidly for increased profitability.

Gualtieri’s second tip should come as no surprise to anyone following trends in IT: the Internet of Things.

’The Internet of Things is a very, very hot area right now, and a lot of that focus is on device management. Getting data from the devices, managing, securing that device,’ he said.

Gulatieri recommended looking into developing an IoT analytics startup.
