Oracle Unveils Single Sign-On Suite

The Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite, which is powered by technology from Passlogix Inc., makes it possible for organizations to avoid having customers, employees or partners login to each application separately when accessing an intranet or portal. The new product would particularly benefit companies in industries that use a lot of legacy applications. Those industries include financial services, healthcare and telecommunications, Oracle officials said.

The suite is comprised of five components. A logon manager lets people use the same username and password to access multiple applications and a password reset lets users change their login information themselves. In addition, an authentication manager lets organizations use a combination of access controls, such as tokens, smart cards, biometrics and passwords; a provisioning gateway allows organizations to automatically provision diverse accounts through a single identity administration process; and a kiosk manager provides security for individuals accessing applications at multi-user kiosks and workstations.

The suite provides single sign-on capabilities to Oracle and non-Oracle systems, officials with the Redwood Shores, Calif., company said. Pricing was not disclosed.

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