Five Good Bets For VARs
1. Physician Practice Health-Care Deployments
Small physician practices are a goldmine for VARs, especially those who thought health care was for the big boys. Physician practices now need to implement meaningfully useful EMR systems and are looking to local VARs.
2. 'As A Service,' At Your Service
The rush toward "as-a-service" has seen vendors and VARs looking to expand their managed services and cloud footprints. VARs that look to how they can partner, not compete, with these vendors will be more quickly embraced.
3. Business Process Outsourcing
Outsourcing has continued to gain favor among organizations that trust in the securely transmitted, reliably stored technology used to protect, house and share their data.
4. Niche Markets, Niche Technologies
With many VARs orienting their practices around verticals such as health care, a number of niche technologies, such as advanced biometric tools for tablets, are becoming hot plays.
5. Architecture Migration
VARs that can solve 21st century customer problems by helping those customers leverage the infrastructure they already have are a boon to cash-strapped CIOs.