Acquisition Expands Cloud Sherpas' Footprint In The Google Channel
Google one of Google's biggest channel partners
Terms of the acquisition weren't disclosed. But in an interview, Cloud Sherpas CEO Jon Hallett said the company has two other acquisitions in the works that he expects to close this month, one in the U.S. and another in Australia.
Hallet said all the acquisitions are geared toward helping Cloud Sherpas grow the scale of its business. "Large enterprise customers want to see some depth and breadth in delivery capability," he said.
The acquisition brings "people, customers and the geographic presence" to Cloud Sherpas, Hallet said. The acquisition of Omnetic, which Hallet said was "probably known as the most accomplished [Google] partner on the West Coast," was actually completed last week, but just disclosed today. "We look at Omnetic as a platform to really grow our footprint on the West Coast," he said.
The combined Cloud Sherpas and Omnetic have migrated nearly one million users to Google Apps. Omnetic's customers include Dr. Martens, National Geographic, Mazda Raceway and Schumacher Group.
Cloud Sherpas has retained all of the acquired company's full-time staff, including founder and CEO Chris McGarry, and they were flown to Cloud Sherpas' Atlanta headquarters last week for orientation, according to Hallet. But he wouldn't rule out possible consolidation of the combined company's back office operations.
With the acquisition of Omnetic, Cloud Sherpas now has a staff of 65.