CipherTrust Connection Control Raises IronMail Anti-Spam Appliance Performance
Normally, Ironmail depends heavily on the company's centralized TrustedSource data base to identify accredited senders. The new version of the product adds to that by noticing when a particular IP is sending what appears to be a spate of spam. By shutting down the connection, the gateway-protecting server can up the amount of legitimate e-mail it processes.
"The return on customer ROI is significant," says CipherTrust directory of marketing Matt Anthony, "they can get more mail with less of our products in place." While that might put a damper on company revenues, it makes for much happier customers.
"We have six IronMail appliances installed," said h Cox Communications messaging systems administrator Franklin Warlick, "but the volume of mail had gone skyrocketing and we were thinking of buying six more. No one was happy about that idea." The company was one of the first to upgrade to IronMail appliances with Connection Control. "We didn't have to buy the new boxes," he said, "and we can even take one or two of them offline to do maintenance without bringing e-mail traffic to a halt."
The new version of IronMail is available immediately to new and existing users. For further information, visit