Backup And Disaster Recovery Minute: Protecting Customers With Purpose-Built Clouds

Learn how StorageCraft is instilling trust in its partners by providing its own purpose-built cloud specifically engineered for disaster recovery.

The global disaster recovery as a service market will grow to almost $4 billion by 2021, according to Enterprise Storage Forum. Solution providers must partner with a vendor that will help them sell a complete disaster recovery solution to capitalize on this opportunity.

That’s where purpose-built clouds come in.

“A purpose-built cloud has a lot of advantages, specifically around the management ease,” says Jeannine Edwards, senior director of channel marketing for StorageCraft. “The complexity and costs over time are actually much more beneficial to the partner.”

Unlike public clouds, a purpose-built cloud is designed for a specific purpose – which could include receiving inbound backup jobs, initiating recovery requests and troubleshooting any problems found within the data center.

As a result, partners can minimize hardware costs and have more control of their customers’ data. “When you’re working for your customers as a partner with us, you want to be able to have that confidence that what you’re telling them is exactly what we’re also providing to you and you have that trust,” says Bill Hansen, senior product manager of cloud services for StorageCraft.

StorageCraft fosters trust in its partners by providing a purpose-built cloud engineered for disaster recovery. Solution providers can set up and manage their customers’ cloud networks through an easy-to-use management portal. StorageCraft takes data protection a step further by providing tools and certification courses to educate its partners and their customers on the differences between public and purpose-built clouds.

“The other key thing that we bring that differentiates us is we package it in a way that it’s all included, which makes it easy to sell and to move,” says Hansen.

“When you add our purpose-built cloud onto the rest of the StorageCraft suite of solutions, the partner is now able to standardize on StorageCraft, which is extremely powerful for partner profitability,” says Edwards.

Learn More: Data Protection-Disaster Recovery| Cloud Storage| StorageCraft

