DataVision Hits Black Friday, Cyber Monday Jackpot Web site

The new warehouse, which opened last month, is giving the retailer all the muscle DataVision needs to break through with strong e-tail sales with great consumer electronics values in the end-of-the-year holiday dash.

Located in Long Island City, N.Y., 15 minutes from the company's premier retail location at 445 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the new warehouse allowed DataVision to ship 5,000 shipments on Cyber Monday compared to 500 shipments one year ago.

Al Liniado, president of DataVision, said he expects the new warehouse and expanded online presence to allow DataVision to break the $100-million mark, with 20 percent sales growth in 2009.

"We are looking at 2009 being our best year ever even with the economy with the state it is in," he said. "People want deals online and that is what we are giving them!"

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"Online sales is the future," Liniado added. "We are seeing customers being converted from online back to the retail storefront, which gives them the best of both worlds: having the best price and being able to see the product at our strategic location at 39th Street and Fifth Avenue. We are the new international one-stop shop for retail and online sales."

Liniado said Black Friday sales were up 20 percent over last year. Among the top sellers were netbooks, including the Asus EEE PC 904HA product, Panasonic, Samsung and LG Flat Panel Televisions, Garmin and Tom Tom GPS devices, and perennial best-sellers, Apple iPods and Sony Reader.

The new warehouse, which is in addition to a 25,000-square-foot warehouse in New York City, gives DataVision the ability to assure that flat-screen televisions and other electronics devices are not subject to harsh weather or rain during shipping. "The trucks pull up inside the warehouse and they go from the warehouse right into the truck," Liniado said. "It really helps with quality control and speeds things up."

Another big advantage for is its easy and secure payment options with the likes of PayPal, Google CheckOut and Amazon Payments. DataVision was the first retailer in the country to launch Amazon Payments.