Fujitsu Fits Pano Logic Virtual Desktop Device Inside Monitor


Pano Logic, a Menlo Park, Calif.-based developer of "zero client" desktop virtualization appliances and software, this week said that Fujitsu is integrating a Pano Logic appliance in flat panel monitors, and packaging them with the software needed to implement a virtual desktop solution.

Pano Logic's zero client appliances differ from thin clients in that they contain no processor, said Parmeet Chaddha, executive vice president of the company.

Instead, all the processing related to the user's virtual desktop experience is done by the server, which cuts down significantly on the size and the power consumption of the Pano Logic device, Chaddha said.

That also makes the Pano Logic zero client easy to embed in other products like the new Fujitsu Zero Client, Chaddha said.

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Fujitsu is also providing its customers with Pano Logic's broker and management software and all the necessary protocols to provide a complete virtual desktop solution that plugs into a server on the back end and has connectors for keyboard, mouse, and USB devices on the front end, he said.

Pano Logic's primary channel for its zero client appliances in their distinctive black or chrome-plated cube enclosures, is solution providers, Chaddha said.

"This is the first time for Pano Logic to work with OEM customers for its zero client solution," he said. "Just last week, we openly published our zero client architecture, and Fujitsu is the first OEM vendor embracing our published reference architecture."

However, Fujitsu is not the first to embed a thin client-type device in a monitor. Samsung, for instance, offers such a product, which is highlighted in VMware's mobile demo center, the VMware Express.

However, Chaddha said, unlike the Fujitsu unit, most of those types of devices include the processor.

Fujitsu is planning to initially release the Fujitsu Zero Client, and then take it to customers worldwide at a later date, he said.
