Intel Investigating Large Leak Of Confidential Files

‘The information appears to come from the Intel Resource and Design Center, which hosts information for use by our customers, partners and other external parties who have registered for access. We believe an individual with access downloaded and shared this data,’ the chipmaker says of a 17 GB leak that was posted to Twitter.


Intel said the company is investigating a large leak of internal company files and documents that was published by a Twitter user.

The Santa Clara, Calif.-based company said the nearly 17 GB leak, which was posted to file-sharing website on Thursday, consists of files that originate from an Intel web portal that customers, partners and other external parties with credentials can access.

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“We are investigating this situation. The information appears to come from the Intel Resource and Design Center, which hosts information for use by our customers, partners and other external parties who have registered for access,” an Intel spokesperson told CRN. ”We believe an individual with access downloaded and shared this data.”

The Twitter user who posted the leak, Tillie Kottmann, said the leak consists of classified or otherwise secret information that was received from an anonymous source “who breached” Intel earlier this year. Kottman promised there would be more leaks with ”even juicier and more classified stuff.”

The leak includes various Intel development and debugging tools, roadmap documents, schematics of various processors, source code packages for various Intel platforms as well as documents, tools, and firmware for Intel‘s upcoming Tiger Lake processors.

Kottman, an IT consultant based in Switzerland, told The Register their “overall motivation is to free information” while also helping security researchers ”better find and assess potential issues.”
