Take A Look Inside Dell EMC's New VMAX 'Best In The Industry' All-Flash Product

One of the hottest from Dell EMC in recent months is its new top-of-the-line all-flash enterprise storage product, the VMAX 950F. The 950F delivers up to 4 petabytes of effective flash capacity across up to eight nodes. It has a 68 percent increase in the performance, compared Dell's previous generation, to as high as 6.7 million IOs per second.

Leading the VMAX storage charge is Bob DeCrescenzo, who gave CRN an inside look of the product at Dell's manufacturing facility in Franklin, Mass.

"[VMAX 950F] is the best in the industry, by far," said DeCrescenzo, senior vice president and general manager for Dell EMC's VMAX Storage Solutions Business Unit.

[Related: Tech Tour: Behind The Scenes At Dell EMC's Storage Manufacturing Facility]

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DeCrescenzo said the product features redundancy power supplies, link control modules and can fit up to 120 flash or SSD drives, to name a few. The 950F provides 150-GBps of bandwidth ideal for mixed workloads involving transactional workloads as well as data warehouse applications, he said. The solution also now supports mixing mainframe and open systems, as well as a smaller 13-TB entry point for customers.

Its performance gains come from a combination of new Intel Bradwell chips, new memory support and upgraded software such as enhanced secure snapshot support for long-term snapshot retention.

Dell EMC's storage manufacturing facility in Massachusetts contains 300,000 square feet of testing, labs and assembly areas for products including VxBlock, VxRack, VMAX and XremIO.