Called It: Google Offers Support Phone Number for Nexus One


Google has quietly added a support phone number for Nexus One, and although the search giant says the number is only for inquiries about phone shipments, it suggests Google is taking seriously the numerous customer support complaints that have dogged Nexus One since its early January debut.

According to the Google Nexus One support web page, the number is 1-888-48-NEXUS (63987), and will receive calls between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Eastern time.

Google says the number is only for questions about Nexus One orders and shipments, however. For all technical questions related to the phone, Google directs users to call HTC, the cell phone maker and Nexus One manufacturer.

The move is undoubtedtly a step in the right direction for Google, considering how thoroughly Google was lambasted for a lack of proper customer service in the weeks following Nexus One's arrival. The phone number support came to life pretty quickly, too; it was only last week that an official Google job ad for a "Phone Support Program Manager for Android/Nexus One" support was spotted making the rounds.

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Still, the folks at Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., might consider expanding the new hotline to offer technical support as well. One look at Google's Nexus One support forums suggests it isn't the packing and shipment of Nexus One phones that's keeping users up at night.

With a customer service offensive that proves Google knows how to keep the phone-buying public happy -- or at least try to keep it happy -- it might win back some of the public relations momentum it's lost since the Nexus One first appeared.
