Cisco Program Matches Partners With ISVs

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Cisco is playing matchmaker in its new Solution Partner Program, which will look tofoster more partner-to-partner relationships and integrate ISVs.

’It really ties in with our overall focus of expanding relationships with ISVs,’ Steven Benvenuto, senior director of business development for strategy, planning and partner programs at Cisco, told CRN. Cisco’s new program focuses on going to market with a community of ISVs to solve business problems. Benvenuto said ISVs and Cisco partners face the same challenges regarding selling to line-of-business as the market shifts.

Benvenuto said every Cisco region has made an investment to engage with ISV companies about partnering with traditional Cisco partners to deliver solutions.

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’Cisco partners traditionally have been focused on delivering business outcomes, but they’re really IT business outcomes,’ he said.

’We’re making it foundational as it relates to how our partners want to address their customers. You’ll see us continue to expand on that,’ Benvenuto said.

