General Electric: We Produce Loads Of Data From The Industrial IoT

General Electric’s investment in the industrial Internet of Things will provide them with a slew of invaluable data from their own machines and manufacturing plants, according to GE Digital Professional Services Leader Mark Bernardo.

Bernardo predicts that by 2020, there will be 1 billion smart meters in existence, and 100 million light bulbs.

"I think just two years ago that number was like 2.3 million. So the order of magnitude is just insane," he said.

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Bernardo said the amount of data the industrial Internet of Things will produce by that time will be in terabytes that are barely able to be calculated.

By the numbers, GE has about $1 trillion managed in its own assets, and much of that is invested in heavy, expensive machinery. Bernardo said connecting that equipment and tracking its data is crucial to getting as much output as possible from those investments.

"To make the life span ... as long as possible, to make sure the productivity is as good as possible," he said.

"The transformation to a digital-industrial company was really a no-brainer to us" he added.