One Critical Windows Patch Planned
The single bulletin involves one or more critical vulnerabilities within Windows, said Microsoft in its monthly advance notification. The bulletin and patches for the bug(s) will roll out Tuesday, September 13.
Microsoft keeps mum on details of its upcoming bulletins, so its contents are anyone's guess. One flaw that may be fixed, however, would be the bug in Internet Explorer that involves the Msdds.dll file; the Redmond, Wash.-based developer issued a security bulletin the third week of August, and said then it might patch the problem in its monthly release process.
But that's not the only unfixed flaw on the books. According to eEye Digital Security, there are nine outstanding Windows vulnerabilities -- one reported to Microsoft as far back as March -- that need patches.
As usual, Microsoft will update its Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool; a high-priority, non-security Windows update will also release next week. Updates will be available through the normal channels of Windows Update, Microsoft Update, Software Update Services, Windows Server Update Services, and Microsoft's Download Center.