Security Exec Leaves Microsoft

Gordon Mangione

Reached at home, Mangione confirmed that his last day was a week ago Friday. "I'm taking some time off, looking to get into a startup. There's no rush. I'm going to parent-teacher meetings," he noted.

Mangione, who had been vice president of SQL Server, moved into the high-profile security group in April 2004. There he assumed leadership of security products while Rich Kaplan led marketing. Both reported to Mike Nash, the corporate vice president in charge of the overall Security Business Unit.

Mangione's direct reports will now report into Rebecca Norlander, sources said.

Asked who would be taking his slot, Mangione said that Ted Kummert will handle product-related issues within the group. In October, Kummert who had led the Business Process Integration unit, became corporate vice president of a new Enterprise Access and Security Products (EASP) group.

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The security unit was charged with fortifying Microsoft software against attacks both by strengthening its own development efforts and partnering with other vendors and customers to strengthen security overall. Since joining the company in 1991, Mangione had been vice president of the Exchange Team and had worked in the Internet services business and on SNA Server.

Microsoft could not be reached for comment on Mangione's departure.