McAfee Patches ActiveX Flaw In ePO Software
In an advisory released Tuesday, McAfee said a successful attack would require reverse engineering of ePO, as well as the creation of a malicious Web page and cooperation from an ePO user. If successful, the attacker would be able to trigger a buffer overflow and corrupt process memory, paving the way for remote code execution with the privileges of the user.
EPolicy Orchestrator security management software provides a central console for managing McAfee enterprise security software. ProtectionPilot software automates updating for McAfee antivirus and antispyware software on networked PCs.
Vulnerable products include McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 3.5 patch 6, 3.5.0, 3.6.0 and 3.6.1, as well as McAfee ProtectionPilot 1.1.1 patch 3 and 1.5.0. McAfee pushed the update to its Service Portal servers and made it available for download on Feb. 21.
McAfee rated the severity of the flaw as "medium," but security firm Secunia gave the vulnerability its second-higherst rating of "highly critical." Symantec Deepsight rated the flaw's severity at 8.3 on a 10-point scale.