Security Minute: SPs Who Sell IoT Have One Thing In Common

Solution providers who sell IoT have one thing in common, and it’s a must-have you’ll need to succeed in this critical last mile of your digital transformation journey.

Solution providers who have already sold IoT have one thing in common. And, it’s a must-have you’ll need to succeed in this critical last mile of your digital transformation journey, according to IPED Channelytics Research on the State of IoT.

“Interoperability,” says Karl Boercker, vCIO team leader at Convergence Networks, “Making sure that whatever solution we provide is able to work with all of the other solutions that they have in place in terms of technology.”

Boercker knows his role as an MSP is to discover his customers’ pain points and implement solutions that solve them. IoT applications make that job a whole lot easier, as long as you work with the right vendor partner.

“The concept of trying to be the best at every individual thing generally doesn’t work out. A big part of the technology alliance that we’ve created is partnering with other security vendors and other manufacturers to provide a cohesive and connected capability to offer our partner base the opportunity to go out and do more with a greater integration and an ability to differentiate themselves in the space,” says Stephan Tallent, senior director, MSSP and service enablement, Fortinet.

This approach allows solution providers, like Boercker, to combine different technologies into a customized solution. “Fortinet’s been great,” says Boercker, “Getting the right recipe in that stack for what we can provide to clients that is configurable to match their needs is critical.”

Fortinet takes interoperability to the next level.

Fortinet’s technology talks to devices from other fabric-ready partners on a single pane of glass, so you’ll have an easier time dissecting the data and delivering results to your customers.

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