Zerto: Is Backup Dead?
’Is backup dead?’
That’s the question that Zerto Vice President Rob Stechay posed to an audience of backup/disaster recovery experts and partners at the company’s first ever ZertoCon in Boston.
Strechay advised that while some services have stayed relatively the same over the last 15 years in the backup and recovery space, the changing conditions of technology and the world have made these services more crucial than ever before.
The vice president, who switched over to Zerto from HP in January, highlighted the vulnerability of remote data centers, to both natural and man-made disasters.
He recalled his own experience trying to salvage data centers from offices across from the World Trade Center attacks in 2001.
’These remote offices, remote data centers are very vulnerable. And we’re putting them in places like Indonesia, overseas, you can even have them in Paris. And it’s really [about] an understanding that anything is vulnerable anywhere now,’ Strechay said.
’It’s not just about hurricanes, it’s not just about earthquakes,’ he added.
Today, Zerto’s solutions range from replication and recovery to data center migration and ransomware recovery. It is a 100 percent channel company.