Code Breaking: Government Acronyms from A-to-Z
Code Breaking:
Government Acronyms From A-to-Z
This acronym guide aims to serve as a quick resource to help decipher the gamut of government-technology terms. Feel free to e-mail additional suggestions/terms to
8(a) STARS--Streamlined Technology Acquisition Resources for Services: Provide a full range of IT solutions-including application development, computer facilities management services and information assurance-through small disadvantaged 8(a) firms.
A&E--Architect and Engineering
ABVS--Automated Best Value System: Formula that assesses a vendor or integrator's past performance based on quality, delivery and packaging.
ACES--Access Certificates for Electronic Services: Facilitate secure electronic access to government information and services through the use of public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital signature technology.
ACM--Association for Computing Machinery
ADMATCH--Address Matching Software
ADP--Automated Data Processing
ADT--Abstract Data Type
AIAC--Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee
AID--Acquisition Item Description (synonymous with PID)
AID--Automated Interaction Detector
AIRS--Aerometric Information Retrieval System
AIS--Address Information System
AIS--Automated Information Security
ANSI--American National Standards Institute
ANSWER--Applications 'n Support for Widely-Diverse End User Requirements: Deliver best value and innovation for diverse projects such as telemedicine, war gaming, agriculture, homeland security, nuclear energy and social security systems. ANSWER constantly updates technology offerings with a technical refreshment provision. Features of the ANSWER GWAC include seven geographical rate areas with ceiling prices reflecting locations; 40 hours of training for every contractor full-time equivalent; and one group manager for every 35 contractor employees.
A/OPC--Agency/Organization Program Coordinator: Individual responsible for purchase card program.
AQA--Approved Quality Assurance
ASTER--Assessment Tools for the Evaluation of Risk
AT--Assistive Technology: State-of-the-art assistive technology and ergonomic designs for people with disabilities.
BAA--Broad Agency Announcement: Government request for scientific or research proposals from private agencies; they can lead to contracts.
BAT--Best Available Technology
BCA--Benefit Cost Analysis
BDAT--Best Demonstrated Available Technology
BPA--Blanket Purchase Agreement: Designed to simplify the filling of recurring needs for supplies or services, while leveraging a customer's buying power by taking advantage of quantity discounts, saving administrative time, and reducing paperwork.
BSM--Business Systems Modernization: Program the Defense Logistic Agency uses to procure supplies.
BTSD--Border and Transportation Security Directorate: The operational directorate within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) tasked with securing the nation's borders and safeguarding its transportation infrastructure.
CAD--Computer-Aided Design
CADRE--Computer-Aided Data Retrieval and Evaluation Software
CAGE Code--Contractor and Government Entity Code: Required five-digit number assigned to a company in order to work with the government.
CAOC--Chief Acquisition Officers Council: Inter-agency council of senior executives designed to create an acquisition workforce of mission-focused business leaders who optimize technology as a key business enabler, lead collaboration to achieve desired business results and effectively integrate socio-economic programs in the federal acquisition system.
CBI--Confidential Business Information
CBO--Congressional Budget Office
CCR--Central Contractor Registration: Database of small businesses authorized to work with the government.
CDC--Centers for Disease Control
CDD--Contract Delivery Date
CEA--Cost Effective Analysis
CENTCOM--Central Command
CEU--Continuing Education Units
CIC--Consumer Information Catalog
CFR--Code of Federal Regulations: Designed to oversee fair competition.
CIFM--Computer Integrated Facility Management: The integration of software, technology, and processes supporting facility management and real estate services.
CIOC--The Chief Information Officer Council: Serves as the principal inter-agency forum for improving practices in the design, modernization, use, sharing and performance of federal government agency information resources. The Council's role includes developing recommendations for IT management policies, procedures, and standards; identifying opportunities to share information resources; and assessing and addressing the needs of the federal government's IT workforce.
CIP--Critical Information Protection
CISS--Center for Information Security Services: Provides security solutions and services to federal agencies in the United States and abroad.
CITA--Center for IT Accommodation: Provides assistive technology solutions to eliminate barriers for people with disabilities.
CLIN--Contract Line Item Number
CLU-IN--Clean-up Information Bulletin Board System (formerly OSWER-BBS)
CMLS--Centralized Mailing List Service: Ensures customers and vendors can easily access catalogs and brochures about product and service offerings, how-to manuals, quick-reference sheets and GSA Schedules guides. CMLS will ship the publications free of charge within three business days of the order being placed.
CODATA--Committee on Data for Science and Technology (International)
COMPAD--Competition Advocate: An individual assigned to oversee actions affecting competition.
CONUS--Continental United States: A term used for the delivery of products or services.
COTR--Contracting Officer
COTS--Commercial, Off-the-Shelf (Software and Hardware)
CRADA--Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CTA--Contractor Team Arrangements: Allow two or more GSA Schedule contractors work together, by complementing each other's capabilities, to offer a total solution to meet an ordering activity's requirement.
DARPA--Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DCFA--Defense Contract Management Agency
DEC--Department of Environmental Conservation
DEP--Department of Environmental Protection
DEQ--Department of Environmental Quality
DFAS--Defense Finance and Accounting Service: Pays vendors via electronic transfer.
DHS--Department of Homeland Security
DISA--Defense Information Systems Agency
DLA--Defense Logistics Agency
DLIS--Defense Logistics Information Systems
DOC--Department of Commerce
DoD--Department of Defense
DOE--Department of Energy
DOI--Department of the Interior
DOJ--Department of Justice
DOL--Department of Labor
DOS--Department of State
DOT--Department of Transportation
DVD--Direct Vendor Delivery or Direct Delivery
EC--Electronic Commerce
ED--Department of Education
EDI--Electronic Data Interchange
EDMS--Electronic Document Management System: Manages the many documents associated with design and facility management such as drawings, leases, and photographs.
EDRS--Enforcement Document Retrieval System
EFT--Electronic Funds Transfer
EFTA--European Free Trade Association (International)
eOffer/eMod--Web-based application that allows vendors to prepare and submit their GSA Schedule offers/Schedule contract modification requests electronically.
EPA--Environmental Protection Agency
ERD--Emergency Response Division
ERNS--Emergency Response Notification System
FAA--Federal Aviation Administration
FABS--Financial and Business Solutions
FACTS--Facilities and Company Tracking System
FAQ--Frequently Asked Question
FAR--Federal Acquisition Regulations: The main guidance for procurement supplies and services in the Federal Government.
FAS--Federal Acquisition Service
FASA V--Federal Streamlining Acquisition Act of 1994, Title V
FDA--Food and Drug Administration
FEDS--Federal Disposal System: The GSA's computer system for recording, tracking and controlling the nationwide inventory of excess and surplus property of the federal government.
FEDSIM--Federal Systems Integration and Management Center
FEMA--Federal Emergency Management Agency
FFIS--Federal Facilities Information System
FGDC--Federal Geographic Data Committee
FIPS--Federal Information Processing Standard
FISMA--Federal Information Security Management Act
FOI--Freedom of Information
FOIA--Freedom of Information Act
FRC--Federal Records Center
FRDS--Federal Reporting Data System
FS--Feasibility Study
FRPP--Federal Real Property Profile: Tracks the government's worldwide inventory of products.
FTC--Federal Trade Commission
FTS--Federal Technology Service
FTTA--Federal Technology Transfer Act
FY--Fiscal Year
FYI--For Your Information
GAM--Global Account Manager: A Global Account Manager is the customer's single point of contact to the world of network solutions.
GAO--General Accounting Office
GATT--General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (International)
GIS--Geographic Information System: Maps facilities, integrates facility data with location, and helps with emergency response.
GOCO--Government-Owned Contractor-Operated
GPEA--Government Paperwork Elimination Act
GPO--Government Printing Office
GPRA--Government Performance Results Act of 1993: Requires a return-on-investment for grants and other activities and investments made by agencies.
GRIDS--Geographic's Resources Information and Data System
GSA--General Services Administration
GSAM--General Services Administration Acquisition Manual: Reference guide to conducting business with the GSA.
GWACS--Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts: Task order or delivery order contracts for Information Technology, established by one agency for governmentwide use.
HADs--Health Assessment Documents
HCA--Head of Contracting Activity
HCIC--Hurricane Contracting Information Center: Method for businesses to become aware of and register for federal contracting opportunities in the Gulf Coast.
HHS--U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HUBZone--Historically Underutilized Business Zone: Contracts awarded under the HUBZone GWAC are for five-year contract periods and provide a wide variety of technology services in seven functional areas. HUBZone enables federal agencies to purchase technology services from companies located in HUBZones, spurring economic expansion and job creation in areas of unemployment and underdevelopment. Federal agencies benefit by gaining access to pre-competed contracts with 36 high-quality companies while meeting their 3 percent statutory procurement preference goals.
IA--Information Assurance
IA--Interim Action
IAB--Information Access Branch
IAE--Integrated Acquisition Environment
IAQ--Indoor Air Quality
IAW or I/AW--In Accordance With
IBS--Innovative Business Solutions
IDIQ--Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity: Can be used by any Executive Branch federal agency to procure technical expertise.
IFB--Invitation for Bid
IG--Inspector General
I-Gov--Intergovernmental Collaboration: Tools and services for helping federal, state and local government agencies, as well as foreign government agencies, collaborate.
IMB--Information Management Branch
IMSD--Information Management and Services Division
IRC--Information Resource Center
IRIS--Integrated Risk Information System
IRM--Information Resources Management
ISI--Information Systems Inventory
ITA--International Trade Association
ITOP II--Information Technology Omnibus Procurement II: With three functional support areas-Information Systems Engineering (ISE), Systems Operations and Management (SOM), and Information Systems Security Support Services (ISS)-ITOP II offers the flexibility and broad range of resources to meet varied IT program demands.
IV&V --Independent Validation and Verification
JURIS--Justice Retrieval and Inquiry System
LEA--Local Education Agency
LOB--Line of Business
LQG--Large Quantity Generator
LT --Lot
M&O--Management and Operating
MAA--Metropolitan Area Acquisition: Designed to give agencies the immediate benefits of local market competition as a result of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. MAA is part of GSA's strategy to market and deliver competitive and innovative local telecommunications service packages.
MAS--Multiple Award Schedules: Also known as GSA Schedules, MAS are contracts that allow federal customers to acquire more than 10 million supplies and services directly from more than 17,000 commercial suppliers.
MDA--Missile Defense Agency
M&IE--Meals and Incidental Expense
MOA--Memorandum of Agreement
MOBIS--Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services: Part of the GSA Schedule, services include consulting, training and introduction of new services.
MOU--Memorandum of Understanding
MULTIMED--Multimedia Exposure Assessment Model
NARA--National Archives and Records Administration
NASA--National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCC--National Computing Center
NCIC--Non-Confidential Information Center
NCP--National Contingency Plan
NDPD--National Data Processing Division
NESC--National Environmental Supercomputing Center
NIH--National Institutes of Health
NIIN--National Item Identification Number: An item can be tracked in technical files, using only the NIIN.
NIST--National Institute of Standards and Technology
NMCS--Non-Mission Capable Standard: Indicates item is crucial to completion of a task.
NOAA--National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPL--National Priority List
NPIPVP--NIST Personal Identity Verification Program
NPIRS--National Pesticide Information Retrieval System
NPS--Nonpoint sources
NSA--National Security Association
NTIS--National Technical Information Service
OA--Office of the Administrator
OC--Office of the Comptroller
OCAO--Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer: Designed to strengthen GSA's acquisition activities and assure best value acquisition services are delivered to federal agency customers in support of their missions of service, while balancing an emphasis on compliance, ethics and integrity. The OCAO reports directly to the GSA Administrator and is responsible for managing a broad range of acquisition activities including: ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies; fostering full and open competition for contract awards; developing the acquisition workforce, and accountability for acquisition decision making.
OCEPA--Office of Communications, Education, and Public Affairs
OCLC--Online Computer Library Center
OCUNUS--Outside Continental United States: Term used to indicate shipping outside U.S.
ODES--Ocean Data Evaluation System
OECD/SIDS--Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developments Screening Information Data Sets
OE--Office of Enforcement
OER--Office of Environmental Restoration
OERR--Office of Emergency and Remedial Response
OGC--Office of General Counsel
OHEA--Office of Health and Environmental Assessments
OHM/TADS--Oil and Hazardous Substances Technical Assistance Data System
OHS MSDS--Occupational Health Services Material Safety Data Sheets
OGP--Office of Governmentwide Policy: Consolidates all GSA's governmentwide policy-making activities-including the federal government's strategy to acquire $200 billion annually in goods and services and the billions of dollars spent on internal administrative management systems-in a central office.
OIA--Office of International Activities
OIG--Office of Inspector General
OIRM--Office of Information Resources Management
OLS--Online Library System
OMMSQA--Office of Modeling, Monitoring Systems and Quality Assurance
OMB--Office of Management and Budget
OPM--Office of Personnel Management
ORD--Office of Research and Development
ORD BBS--ORD Electronic Bulletin Board System
OSBU--Office of Small Business Utilization: Advocates for small, minority, veteran, HUBZone and women business owners. Its mission is to promote increased access to GSA's nationwide procurement opportunities.
OSHA--Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAR--Payroll, Accounting and Reporting System
PES--Professional Engineering Services: Gives federal agencies direct contact with commercial providers of a range of services including strategic planning for technology programs and activities and system design.
PIA--Privacy Impact Assessment
PIC--Public Information Center
PID--Procurement Item Description (synonymous with AID)
PIV--Personal Identity Verification
P/N--Part Number
PS--Office of Professional Services
QAP--Quality Assurance Program
QPL--Quality Products List: List of pre-tested, pre-qualified manufacturers and products.
RAM--Regional Account Manager
RD&D--Research, Development and Demonstration
RDDT&E--Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing and Evaluation
RDD--Required Delivery Date
RFP--Request for Proposal
RFQ--Request for Quotation
RILS--Regulatory Interpretation Letters
RITZ--Regulatory and Investigative Treatment Zone Model
ROD--Record of Decision
RODS--Records of Decision System
SAROAD--Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data (now known as AIRS)
SATCOM II--Satellite Services Program: Offers a variety of fixed, mobile and broadcast satellite solutions to federal agencies.
SBA--Small Business Administration
SBAC--Small Business Advisory Committee: Mission is to advance and improve the GSA's small business procurement activities.
SDI--Selective Dissemination of Information
SDVOSB--Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses: GSA is moving ahead with plans for a new Governmentwide contract set-aside exclusively for small technology firms owned by service-disabled veterans.
SEC--Securities and Exchange Commission
SIC--Standard Industrial Classification: Codes used to represent industries.
SIDS--Screening Information Data Set
SINs--Special Item Numbers
SIRMO--Senior Information Resource Management Officer
SITE--Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation SOW - Statement of Work
SSA--Social Security Administration
SSC--Shared Service Center
SSCAB--Shared Service Center Advisory Board
SSCTP--Shared Service Center Technical Panel
STN--Scientific and Technical Information Network
STORET--Storage and Retrieval of U.S. Waterways Parametric Data
TAPS--Temporary Administrative and Professional Staffing: Within 24 hours, provides federal and military agencies with part-time staff in areas such as technology, data processing and administrative support.
TD--Technology Development
TDD--Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
TDMD--Technical Data Management Division
TDPL--Complete Technical Data Package
TIPS--Technical Information Packages
TIU--Technical Information Unit
TQM--Total Quality Management
TRDS--Text Retrieval Data System
TSA--Transportation Security Agency
TTP--Technical Task Plans
TSO--Time Sharing Option
TSSMS--Time Sharing Service Management System
TTN--Technology Transfer Network
U/I--Unit of Issue: Includes terms such as EA - each and DZ - dozen
US CERT--Computer Emergency Readiness Team
USDA --U.S. Department of Agriculture
USG--Usability Solutions Group: Provides leadership, technology solutions, training and consultation services to assist federal government in making electronic information, products and services more usable, useful and accessible.
USPS - United States Postal Service
VA--Department of Veteran Affairs
VDCS--Virtual Data Center Services: Fast, low-cost alternative for obtaining mainframe and midrange systems and related IT and network products and services from industry providers.
VETS--Veterans Technology Services: A service-disabled veteran-owned small business set-aside GWAC, designed to provide worldwide IT solutions to federal agencies, while strengthening federal contracting opportunities for service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns. The VETS GWAC assists agencies in meeting their 3 percent service-disabled veteran-owned small business goals, by providing pre-qualified industry partners in one easy-to-use contract vehicle. Service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses will, in turn, be provided with opportunities to compete amongst a smaller group of contract holders, allowing self-marketing opportunities, and a chance to develop their businesses before moving into larger acquisition environments.
VISITT: Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies VOA - Voice of America
VSC--Vendor Support Center: Online resource for vendors seeking information, reviewing sales opportunities and reporting sales.
WWI--Worldwide Inventory
Sources: U.S. General Services Administration;;; Defense Supply Center-Richmond