Datawatch Monarch Mines PDF Data

While there are many PDF conversion tools on the market that can translate PDF files into Word or other text formats, most cannot maintain formatting whenever data is captured with slight column shifts. Monarch's PDF translation feature, however, easily preserves formatting even with column shifts.

Using reports inside Monarch, users can select columns and sections in PDF reports. The PDF feature uses Monarch's algorithms to guest the options in the reports. During CRN Test Center evaluation, the feature automatically found and selected mono-space on a report, which means it detected single spaces in the fixed-width font used to create the report Test Center engineers used.

In cases where PDF reports are not produced correctly, users can manually select and choose data if the product did not detect the scaling correctly. After translation, the PDF model can be saved so when the same report is run again, the PDF translation can be performed the same way. During testing, PDF translation speed was satisfactory. A 229-page report was translated in 5 seconds.

PDF translator honors most settings in PDF files, including content extraction. The PDF feature can also translate encrypted PDF files with the exception of the latest AES encryption algorithm.

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Datawatch has rewritten the delimited text import engine in Monarch to handle complex CSV files with unusable lines. These files are usually created in Excel with header information that is not delimited. In previous versions, users had to create copies with deleted lines before processing. In the latest version, Monarch's engine can skip lines at the beginning of files.

In previous versions, when column shifts occurred in a report, the entire extraction model had to be re-created from scratch. Monarch version 8 can shift templates by highlighting the spacing of the new reports and superimposing spacing over the old report spacing. The integrity of the model is maintained because all fields shift.

Version 8 can now store 28-bit RC4 encryptions in saved database files. Database passwords can be saved in projects or models, so users don't have to type them in to access these files. In the past, whenever projects ran scripts, users had to enter passwords to access databases before starting the execution.

A tree representation of reports is now available in Monarch, allowing users to easily navigate through large reports by simply selecting fields. The tree view represents the reports in sections on the left pane. By clicking on a section, details are shown on the right pane of Monarch's workspace. This tree representation allows users to move through hundreds of pages in seconds.

Monarch 8 also can accept up to eight footers, so eight footer templates can be constructed for every report. Mainframe reports with wide widths can now be pulled into Monarch correctly. Version 8 now accepts up to 4,000 characters per report line. Previous versions of the software only accepted up to 1,000 characters.

Tables and reports are now synchronized bidirectionally, so users can select lines and jump between to the right spot between them. By selecting any field in a summary, users can find all the records in a table that make up that summary.

A new filter feature automatically creates filter expressions whenever users select the filter option in a column field. The expressions assume that a simple filter was created for a highlighted field. The filters can be saved for reuse in compound filters, another new filtering feature. Compound filters use saved filter expressions and create new ones by connecting saved filters with logical statements. This process speeds up filter creation. The number of base expressions that can be connected is virtually limitless.

Monarch 8 also accepts user-editable fields, so reports can be changed on the fly. Any errors can be copied into editable fields for correction. Editable fields can also be used to add comments in reports. These fields can be saved in project files and can be synchronized with records in a table.

Datawatch provides a two-level technical support program for all users, including priority technical support for partners. Most support is conducted via the Web; however, partners also can request in-person support. Datawatch offers a single level partner program that has an initial fee of $1,500. The program gives partners a 20 percent to 30 percent discount on list price of any Datawatch software. As tested, Monarch Professional version 8 is priced at $799.
