Altusen SN0108 Provides Missing Link

Remote access infrastructure computer

Using a TCP/IP connection, up to eight users can be logged in simultaneously through LAN, WAN or dial-up, and each user can control a separate port. This is useful in case different people are responsible for different devices. Heterogeneous devices such as servers, UPSes, hubs, routers, power management devices, etc., typically feature serial console ports for remote access. The SN0108 Serial over the Net device allows system administrators to view statistics, change device configurations, restore proper operation after recovering from system faults and perform other maintenance tasks from wherever they are located. The unit is ideal for branch offices of banks, government facilities, ISPs, ASPs, and centralized and decentralized data centers.

The Altusen SN0108's RS-232 interface allows for Out of the Band Configuration (OOBC) so that administrators can manage all the devices attached to the SN0108 locally or through dial-up modem access. The SN0108 supports TCP/IP, UDP/IP, Telnet, SSH, SSL and PPP.

Security should never be overlooked. The SN108 can be configured with internal and external user authentication and port-specific access rights. Solution providers can set different access rights for specific ports and users. Solution providers also can set alarms, alerts, automatic e-mail notification and port activity logging.

The installation options are numerous for this 1U rack-mountable unit. It takes minutes to set up, as there is no software involved and plugging cables into the proper ports is all that's required. The administrator has a choice of browser-based GUI, Telnet and VT-100 console terminal. The unit is hot-pluggable, so servers can be added and removed without rebooting. The console port automatically detects and adjusts to the incoming protocol.

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The SN0108 is designed to work with other remote management devices such as Altusen's PN9108 Power over the NET remote power management system. The PN9108 provides remote power management for eight AC outlets via a TCP/IP connection. Administrators can control the power off, power on and reboot status for each attached device. The PN9108 combined with the SN0108 lets system administrators solve device-related problems from anywhere in the world.

The ATEN channel sales program has been in existence since 1997. The program has three levels: Silver, Gold and Platinum. Silver partners are entry level. Gold partners must generate $50,000 in annual sales and Platinum partners must generate $100,000. Levels are confirmed quarterly with a one quarter grace period. Volume Incentive Rebates are awarded based on sales.

All new partners receive $5,000 up-front MDF upon approval. Above that, Gold partners are eligible for 5 percent MDF and Platinum partners are eligible for 10 percent MDF. All distributors are offered the same pricing and support, regardless of size. Margins are generally in the 30 percent to 40 percent range. Demonstration and evaluation units are available to VARs and distributors at greatly reduced prices. Note that 80 percent to 90 percent of ATEN products are sold through the channel. The SN108 costs $895.99.
