As Apple App Store Breaks 10 Million, Bite Into These 10 Apps
The Apple Apps store launched late last week as a precursor to the anticipated iPhone 3G launch. It's been a complete success for Apple with over 10 million apps downloaded, according to the company. Additionally, the iPhone 3G has already sold over 1 million units.
Available to iPhone users through the iTunes store, the Apple App store offers a host of applications available for download to users. The apps run the gamut from AOL Instant Messenger to enterprise applications from Oracle and Check out these 10 useful apps for the iPhone.
The app for the iPhone requires an account with the company to use. But once your account is activated, users have access to contacts, accounts and leads. You can also get emails, phone calls and maps initiated from the platform. Spend a lot of time on planes? No problem. The app stores information to the phone and lets you browse your contacts even while the access to Wi-Fi is limited. The app is free for download but requires a subscription to use.
The Oracle Business Indicator app from the Apple store provides users with real-time access to business performance information on a handheld device. In order to access the app, users must have a license with Oracle Business Suite, Enterprise Edition Plus or Oracle Business Applications. Once the license is in place, you can stay up to date on all the information you want to keep handy. The Oracle Business Indicator is free for download.
OmniFocus is an application designed to organize daily life. Buy the app and start filling out to-do lists and reminders to make it to the doctor's office. Using the location capabilities inherent in the app, OmniFocus can find local grocery stores, direct you to them and bring up the shopping list you wrote up earlier in the day. Download OmniFocus for $19.99.
Can't get away from those market returns? Have to know which stock is up and which is down? The Bloomberg LP app might be a good one to check out. Users with the app on their iPhone have immediate access to stock quotes, company descriptions, and analysis of the market and price charts. You can also create a customized list of stocks to follow so you know exactly when to jump in and buy more shares. The Bloomberg app is free for download.
The Bank of America app from the Apple store gives users the opportunity to bank on the go. In addition the normal features you'd expect from an online app, balance info, transfers, etc., this app also includes an ATM finder. If you're in a new city -- or even just not sure where you are -- the app lets you track down a nearby ATM and get cash without having to pay fees. The Bank of America app is free for download.
The app makes searching for a job or hiring a new employee something you can do anywhere. You can search for jobs, read descriptions and get salary information. The app saves everyone in your iPhone contact list, which allows you to easily pass information along. The app also integrates Google Maps so you can find the exact location of a potential employer. The app is free for download.
The AOL Instant Messenger app lets you stay in touch even when you're away from the office or out of the house. AIM for the iPhone was built from the ground up and is designed specifically for the iPhone. Take advantage of the 3G network to send instant messages to everyone on your existing Buddy List. The AOL Instant Messenger app is free for download for free.
Twitterrific is an app built to keep Twitter users online and in touch. Twitter users who get the app can tweet messages, see responses and send direct messages to other users. The interface is clean and helps to keep users focused on what's happening on the Web. Twitterrific is free for download.
Tape recorders are so passe. With Voice Memos from Verge 23, you can turn your iPhone into a digital voice recorder. Record reminders, memo ideas and suggestions for customer sites all with this app and you can stop worrying about the paper sprawl all over your desk. The Voice Memos app is available to download for $4.99.
The SourceForge Network News app is designed to feed you the news you want to read. At least, if the news you're interested in comes from one of SourceForge's sites:,,, and The SourceForge app is free for download.