2015 Channel Chiefs: What's Your Favorite Movie?
Get Your Popcorn Ready
The executives making up the 2015 Channel Chiefs list are some of the hardest-working people in IT. The Channel Chief gig can be all-encompassing, but even the busiest execs need to find some time for a little rest and relaxation. And what better way to unwind than with a bowl of popcorn and a great movie?
We asked the 2015 Channel Chiefs to tell us what their favorite movie is and why. Here's a sampling of what channel execs are watching to escape the daily grind, even if some are guilty of finding parallels between the big screen and the channel.
For more from this year's list, check out the 2015 Channel Chiefs home.
Chris Penner
SVP, Channel
"The Shawshank Redemption." This movie highlights the power and importance of true and unconditional friendship, the importance of perseverance and a will to survive, and the importance of hope as a powerful motivator to push forward. The decade-long quest for redemption and freedom is a powerful plot, which includes quotes that resonate deeply with my approach in life:
"I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying."
"I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope."
Condusiv Technologies
Nick Tidd
SVP, Global Sales
"Happy Gilmore." Not only because it combines my two favorite sports, but also because it mirrors my own sporting path. I always wanted to be a professional hockey player, but apparently I am better suited to life on the golf course and the warmer weather climate.
David Maffei
VP, Global Channel Sales
My father introduced me to "Rocky" when I was very young, younger than he probably should have if you asked my mom. But there is something about "Rocky IV" that will forever stand out in my mind as a reminder of my childhood winters and the motivation that can be drawn from the story, training scenes and the fight itself. If you can't get up for "Rocky IV," someone should check you for a pulse.
Joseph Sykora
VP, Americas Sales Operations, Channels
My favorite movie is "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story." Aside from being hilariously funny, I particularly like this movie because it illustrates how teamwork can prevail in any situation and lead a team to victory.
Matt Goulet
VP, Sales, Marketing
"Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy." Sixty percent of the time, it makes me laugh every time.
Victoria Grey
Chief Marketing Officer
Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange," as it was one of the most innovative, new-wave Film Noir movies produced in the 1970s. It was a seminal event for the industry at large and, specifically, for independent directors. It delved into a violent subculture and the underside of societal issues rarely, if ever, exposed or brought to the Silver Screen. The performances were bold, yet deeply nuanced, setting a new standard of innovation, and introducing movie-goers to the next-generation of exciting actors who have since become world-renowned icons of their craft.
Mark Register
VP, Software Group, Software Business Partners, Alliances
"Chariots of Fire." One of the most inspirational movies ever made about the importance of principles and sticking with them. It also reinforces how an inspired underdog has the capability to excel, even against seemingly insurmountable odds.
Intel Security
Gavin Struthers
SVP, Global Channel, Indirect Go-To-Market Operations
There are several, but "Dances with Wolves" touched me because it demonstrates the importance of respect and humanity between cultures, and how prejudice, ignorance and differences can be overcome through patience, empathy and humility. The movie also superbly depicted the beauty of nature, and the great blessings we have to enjoy in the world outside of the hustle and bustle of capitalism. While there is more to life than escapism in film, there are great lessons from movies like "Dances with Wolves" that remind us how we might better approach everyday life.
IntelePeer Cloud Communications
Jeremy Jones
VP, Partner Programs
"The Breakfast Club." It teaches a valuable lesson that has helped me throughout my business career. Everyone is different and everyone has their own story. If you take a minute to listen to that story, you may be able to find a common connection and better understand why they are the person they are.
John Donnelly
SVP, Sales
"Office Space." Every conference room at MobileIron's headquarters is named after that movie. A lot has changed since that movie came out, and the conference rooms are our way of poking fun at yesterday's software companies. My favorite conference room? PC Load Letter.
PlanetOne Communications
Jonathan Hartman
VP, Sales
"Glengarry Glen Ross." Arguably one of the most colorful, motivational sales speeches on film, which epitomized the raw nature of sales. Not that I am condoning their sales tactics, but this movie is an intense representation of the wide range of emotions one can experience in sales.
Tony Carrozza
SVP, Worldwide Sales
"The Godfather." I grew up in a big Italian family, and even though we weren't in the mob we had the same feeling of the importance of family, loyalty and good food. The movie minus all the killing and mayhem reminds me of that.
Christine Bufalini
Director, Global Channel Operations, Enablement
My favorite movie is "Match Point," which focuses around a former tennis pro and his life after his career. Aside from Woody Allen's directing, the message of the movie is what makes it my favorite. The film revolves around the fine line between hard work and luck, along with making one choice versus another. I think it is imperative to be disciplined, work hard and deliver results, but there is also something intriguing about the role luck plays in one's success.
It is thought-provoking in many ways, which is what I look for in my favorite movies.
Sonus Networks
Joe McLaughlin
VP, Worldwide Channnels
My favorite movie is "Scent of a Woman." It captures the struggles of an older man dealing with the past, and the physical challenges of being blind, while a young man tries to support him on his journey while finding his own way. It hits home for two reasons. One is I have two sons, one a freshman in college and another a freshman in high school, and trying to teach them the high road and the right path is a never-ending, constant parenting opportunity which keeps my wife and I focused (and sometimes sleep deprived). We understand the obstacles facing teenagers and the role we have to play to help them navigate life.
The second is my positive inclination for happy endings. In this movie, both the men defeat their personal challenges and overcome their struggles to become better people and friends, who in the end, helped each other in a life-changing way.
Bob Gagnon
VP, Channel Sales Worldwide
"Lone Survivor." Set during the war in Afghanistan, Lone Survivor dramatizes the attempt of United States Navy SEALs counterinsurgent mission Operation Red Wings, during which a four-man SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team was tasked to track Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Despite the best-laid plans, the plot unfolds with unpredictable problems, starting with a communications issue and followed by one hardship after another. Still the Navy SEALs persevere as a team, and individually, for the team unit and mission. Their training, discipline and tenacity against all manner of danger doesn't detour them from their ultimate goal. Their most notable trait is their ability to adjust, change and execute under the [most direful] of circumstances.
Violin Memory
Eric Herzog
CMO, SVP, Alliances
After 25 years and countless reruns, I still love the original "Die Hard." John McClane's charisma, perseverance and knack for giant explosions make "Die Hard" one of the best action movies of all time.
Todd Surdey
VP, Global Strategic Alliances, Emerging Partners
"Wall Street." It's a great movie that tells us that shortcuts to success can be extremely hazardous. Greed can be good or it can be really bad, depending on how we channel that energy to be successful. It reminds us to stay true to ourselves, our family and friends. One of my favorite Sun-Tzu quotes is in this movie; "If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight and if not, split and reevaluate."
Mike Coffield
VP, Worldwide Channel Operations
"Top Gun," because I always wanted to fly jets. Not because of the music, the girl or because of Tom Cruise, but because of the planes.