Around The World With EMC VSPEX

Moving VSPEX Worldwide

EMC's VSPEX Reference Architecture is winning raves from partners around the world not only because of the platform's design flexibility (with reference architectures supporting Cisco, VMware, Microsoft, Citrix, Brocade and Intel) but also because of EMC's innovative co-branding initiative. Since it debuted last April, EMC partners have sold more than 1,300 VSPEX solutions.

Those 1,300 solutions come with EMC breaking new ground with an aggressive partner co-branding initiative that puts the solution provider's own brand front and center with the EMC logo. Partners see the co-branding opportunity as a chance to emphasize to customers the strong partnership between themselves and EMC and of the power of the robust support and services they are providing with VSPEX.

Here then is some of the partners from around the world proudly displaying their own brand side by side with the EMC logo on VSPEX systems.

ATEA - Norway

ATEA, one of the leading partners of EMC, Cisco and VMware in Norway, sees VSPEX gaining momentum because it is "simple to manage, integrated, flexible and modular." Borge Wilhelmsen (center), EMC business development manager for ATEA Norway, says one of the big benefits is also a short timeline on return on investment. "VSPEX aligns the partner ecosystem to address customer demands," he says. "EMC has a razor-sharp vision on what partners need and customers want." Here, Wilhelmsen is flanked by (left) Steinar Sundsteby, executive senior vice president sales and products, ATEA Group, and (right) Jul Johansen, Country Manager, EMC Norway.

Datalink - Eden Prairie, Minn.

Datalink, a $380 million solution provider, No. 59 on the SP500, has deployed more than 25 VSPEX solutions with the pipeline growing at a rapid rate. Here, Kent Christensen, virtualization practice manager for Datalink, is all smiles standing in front of the EMC-Datalink VSPEX box.

E-Tech - Korea

Don't mess with E-tech. The Korean solution provider has been one of an aggressive pack of Far East solution providers supporting VSPEX. Here, directors YongBae Lee and AnSung Choi along with Woojin Cho, manager, with a strong contingent of E-tech colleagues are ready to stand and deliver for customers.

Infront - Australia

VSPEX is red hot down under in Australia for building private and hybrid clouds according to Infront executives. They say VSPEX reference architecture "prevalidation and testing delivers predictable performance and compatibility throughout the technology stock." Here Infront Senior Systems Engineers (left) Ben McCulloch and Anthony Brown show off an EMC Infront VSPEX box.

Intech - Korea

Intech is another one of the new wave of Korean storage integrators bringing a cobranded VSPEX offering to market. Here JumSik Kim, manager, SeungJoon Yoon, department manager, and John Kim, senior sales rep, along with nine of Intech's best and brightest give the peace sign in a show of support for the EMC partnership.

LPS Integration - Nashville

LPS Integration, a member of CRN's Tech Elite 250 and a 2010 Citrix U.S. partner of the year, has built the company with a focus on engineering excellence centered on best-of-breed data center solutions. The company was one of the first to embrace VSPEX. Here, LPS Technical Consultant Manager Jay Hitt proudly displays an EMC LPS VSPEX box.

MTI - United Kingdom

MTI, one of EMC's top partners in the United Kingdom, has been a trusted infrastructure provider for more than 1,200 customers across Europe, the Middle East and Africa with more than 2,000 installations. MTI says the aggregation of "best-of-breed" technologies with VSPEX has been the key in delivering "optimized performance with increased application availability, hardware utilization and people productivity." Here from left to right is MTI Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing Ian Parslow; Gary Menezes (kneeling), senior technical consultant EMC solutions; Kirsty Lambert, U.K. marketing manager and James Rooke, sales consultant.

Maticmind - Italy

Maticmind, a leading edge Italian EMC systems integrator, achieved EMC Velocity Signature Solution Center Partner two years ago. VSPEX has been a big winner in helping the company fortify its position as a cloud infrastructure builder. Here, Maticmind Solution Center Manager Andrea Carelli is all smiles in front of the EMC Maticmind cobranded box.

Nexus IS Inc. - Valencia CA

Working closely with its distribution partner Ingram Micro, Nexus IS Inc. has built VSPEX solutions supporting Cisco UCS Servers, Cisco data center networking, EMC storage and VMware virtualization. Nexus IS VSPEX helps "our customers lower risk and operating costs while also increasing agility and scalability," says Nexus IS Data Center Specialist Steve Rogers. Here, left to right, in the front are David Law, systems engineer, and Aroon D'Souza, system engineering manager. In the back row, from left to right, are Brad Ault, consulting systems engineer; Alex Osorio, practice manager; Nexus IS Data Center Specialist Steve Rogers; Glen Meredith, solutions architect; Patrick Graham, consulting systems engineer; and Ron Blanchard, solutions architect.

Tecala - Australia

Tecala, another Australian partner sporting the VSPEX cobranded solutions, says the bottom line in providing VSPEX from three of the industry's best vendors -- EMC, Cisco and VMware -- is "guaranteed technical best practice, performance, reliability and scalability." Tecala says its customers like the "comfort" and "greater future proofing" that comes from making a VSPEX solution investment. Here Tecala Marketing Director Marcelo Bussacarini and Director Gleuto Serafim proudly display an EMC-Tecala VSPEX solution.
