Bad Timing For Microsoft Open Source ISV Forum
This was not the optimal week for the Microsoft Open Source ISV Forum.
Think about it:
Just over a week ago, the company's general counsel did some heavy-duty saber rattling in Fortune Magazine around the 200+ Microsoft patents that may have been infringed by the open sourcers.
Flash forward to Monday where Microsoft is trying to demonstrate to open-source-leaning ISVs how they "can develop business solutions on Windows to provide greater choice to your customers, expand your potential market, and how we can best make that happen together."
This event, at San Francisco's Palace Hotel, is part of Microsoft's NXT initiative. You know the drill: They want to embrace and extend, make open-source apps cross-platform ya de ya de ya
Speakers included such luminaries as SpikeSource's Kim Polese, former VA-Linux-guy-now-investor Larry Augustin, super-valley-lawyer Larry Sonsini. Not exactly a Windows-stacky kinda crowd, if you get my meaning. Redmonk analyst Steve O'Grady also spoke and here's his take.
The event was not open to reporters.
An attendee said host Sam Ramji, Microsoft's director of platform technology strategy, did his best to put a good face on the whole patent issue. The first question may not have been on the patent kerfuffle, but it was certainly in the top two.
"The timing couldn't have been worse for those guys" but Ramji stressed customer need for better interop and integration, the attendee added.
The event precedes by one day the Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) also at the Palace. Coincidence? You be the judge.