Microsoft Pulls Vista Update Files After Glitches

On Friday, a day after Microsoft released the Vista SP1 RTM to MSDN and TechNet subscribers, some testers who downloaded the servicing stack update from Windows UpdateKB937287 reported getting an error during the third configuration stage that caused their machines to enter an endless reboot cycle.

Several posters to the Vista team blog also said they were having trouble getting the KB937287 update to install correctly from Windows Update, but were able to work around the issue by downloading the standalone update.

In a Wednesday post to the Windows Vista team blog, Nick White, a product manager with the Vista team, acknowledged the issue and said Microsoft has temporarily stopped automatically distributing the update while it works on a solution.

But for some weary posters to the Vista team blog, this explanation didn't appear to go far enough.

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"I would love to fully embrace Windows and be passionate about the operating system and its possibilities, but you guys are keeping me from doing that. If I embrace Windows, I tacitly embrace all of your screw ups," wrote a poster who uses the handle 'shollomon.'
