Amazon Trims Snow Leopard Price Before Launch


At its Worldwide Developer Conference in June, Apple said it would charge just $29 for existing customers to upgrade to Snow Leopard from Leopard, and $49 for a "family pack" of five Snow Leopard upgrade licenses.

Amazon is now listing the Snow Leopard upgrade for $25, a savings of 14 percent, and it's selling the Snow Leopard 5-license Family Pack for $44, a savings of 10 percent. Apple has also cut the price of Snow Leopard Server from $499 to 444.99, a savings of 11 percent.

Under Apple's Snow Leopard Up-to-Date Program, which runs through Dec. 26, customers who bought a qualifying Mac or Xserve after June 8 can upgrade to Snow Leopard for $9.95.

Mac users generally don't waste any time when it comes to upgrading to a new OS X release, and the addition of native Exchange support in Snow Leopard could lead to an even bigger sales surge as more businesses make the decision to bring Macs into their environments.

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Apple's Snow Leopard marketing has focused on the architectural changes in the release, which include Grand Central, a set of technologies that adds support for multicore processors and parallel computing, and OpenCL, which lets applications tap into unused GPU computing power.