How Thin Can You Go? Dell Offers Peek At New Adamo
Dell yesterday launched a minimalist Web site around the forthcoming version of the Adamo with a single profile picture and hardly any detail, other than its width. The next version of the Adamo will measure 9.99mm. That's all the information Dell gave.
Dell chose to offer a teaser of the Adamo yesterday because the date corresponded with the width of the laptop: September 9, 2009, or 09/09/09, which matches up with the 9.99mm thickness of the notebook.
The current marketing campaign by Dell matches the secrecy with which the company surrounded the original Adamo earlier this year. In January, the company showed off the Adamo at CES but didn't say anything else about the notebook.
The current iteration of Dell's ultrathin notebook is designed to compete directly with Apple's MacBook Air, both in size and weight as well as price. At launch in March, the Adamo was priced at $1,999 compared to the $1,799 Apple notebook.
The luxury notebook is currently 0.65 inches thick, about one-tenth of an inch thinner than the MacBook Air, and with a 13.4-inch glass screen. While the glass screen may give the Adamo a unique look, it also adds weight, with the notebook tipping the scales at about 4 pounds.
It appears that the goal of the forthcoming launch of a new Adamo notebook is cutting the fat even further, reducing the size to about 0.39 inches. What sort of specs or features might be housed in the Adamo are unavailable, and Dell is unlikely to hint at what the notebook is packing until right before the company launches it.